Not content simply to pay to have the truth about his fraudulent organization buried in the search engine results, Shannon has stepped up his efforts to have sites like this removed entirely, likely (and ironically) through some reputation protection service.
The thing is, the truth won't stay buried -- and as I hear Shannon is stepping up his efforts to misinform the public about catch wrestling and his place in it (is he really going around saying that Lou Thesz is not a major figure? Really? All because Thesz vouched for Cecchine? Christ, how low can a "human rights" autodidact and world class hynotherapist/financial guru/politician/rhetoric coach sink?), I'm going to make sure that the truth stays out there, available, even if it means I have to set up my own server so that Shannon can't simply use money he's taken off some new set of suckers to pay SEO companies, etc,. to try to make all this go away.
The simple fact of the matter is, Jake Shannon is a fraud. And worse still, he's a fraud who tried to destroy another man's livelihood in order to con his way into a business that is built on nothing but lies, half-truths, financial arrangements, and collusion -- notably with others who, it has come to light, are themselves frauds.
Shannon and his little band of con men spread enough money around to keep themselves surrounded by a few legit supporters. But deep inside, Shannon knows what he is. And that's why he spends so much of his time, money, and effort trying to bury the truths about himself and his organization that I've put down in cyber print.
It's sad, really. So much time wasted that could be better spent curing cancer or some such with his hypnotic magical third eye...